Attachment Parenting

Bedtime help needed!

I mostly lurk around SAHM and AP boards since I feel I relate to both. I need some advice or experience on our bedtime "problem"
Our 2 year old has a current bedtime routine of milk, stories, singing and then sleep. Either my H or I lay with him until he falls asleep. We tried a few times to break this habit but he would literally freak out and say "scared." I'm saying big tears and that petrified look and cry. We tried the "be right back" and he melts down. I have no trouble keeping up our normal routine but with a newborn now, it's going to get very hard when I do bedtime by myself. What would be the AP stance on this? I want him to feel safe and secure but independent enough to sleep on his own. I know they aren't little for long and willing I tough it out if need be.
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