High-Risk Pregnancy

First, GD club and now bed rest club

I had posted the other day about weird inner thigh pain. And it turns out that that's the least of our worries now. Yesterday, I started leaking amniotic fluid. So, now I'm in the hospital. They started antibiotics and cortisone and another medication to stop labor. And of course, baby is breech.

Last night, they said the C/S would be Friday or Saturday. Now they're saying Monday to get me to 34 weeks. But I'm confused because I thought it was important to get her out quickly to prevent infection. I'm waiting for the doctor to come back to discuss further.

In the meantime, they just brought lunch. It looks great. Some kind of pasta and a yummy soup. But how am I supposed to eat if I can't sit up??? I've already spilled soup on the tray and the bed. It doesn't help that the meds make me shaky.

Anyone have experience with this? Any advice?

Also, how bad is pooping in a pan? I can't imagine it but its gotta happen sometime. I feel like peeing is challenge enough!
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