High-Risk Pregnancy

Lurker with a question

Hello. I hope I'm not being intrusive. I don't post on this board because I don't equate my struggles with some of you other mamas that are facing bigger hurdles than me. But i do have a WWYD question that I thought other high risk mamas might understand better than most.

I am insulin dependant GD. Because of this, along with other factors, I will be having a CS. I was really going to push to hold off until 39w2d, because my OB said she would induce at 39w. Well, turns out she'll be on vacation at that time. I haven't talked to her face to face about it yet, but her nurse told me about her absense.

So it looks like I'll have a choice to make. I can either attempt to find and bond with a new doctor at 8m pregnant with a "high risk" pregnancy, or agree to deliver my son closer to 38 weeks. While I would have been fine with anything after 37w if he was showing signs of stress due to the GD, I'm not as comfortable doing it because of the OB's schedule. Which would you choose? Is 38w-38w4d ok, or is every day worth fighting for?

Break cycle BFP on 11/6/12 after 17 cycles and a failed IUI - TTC/BFP details in bio
Nestie Bestie with the lovely RockABye
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