3rd Trimester

So sick of mother in law's comments!

For months everytime I see her she says "hi, Skinny" and "bye, Skinny." This can either be taken literally so she is saying I look skinny, which obviously I don't since I've gained 36 pounds so far, or sarcastically which means fat. I am not fat, I am pregnant!! She is always reminding me how she only gained 15 pounds during her whole pregnancy not to mention she didn't know she was pregnant until 6 months in and drank Pepsi the whole time while she accuses me of being too concerned with health because I like to eat organic fruits and vegetables. If she calls me skinny one more time I am going to flip out on her.

She also refers to the baby constantly as "Annabelle" because as she says if we won't tell her the real name she'll just have to call the baby something.

Sometimes I think she does these things on purpose just to get under my skin.

Thanks for letting me vent.
BabyFruit Ticker
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