Baby Showers

Alternative to Baby Shower Gift Etiquette

My husband and I decided that instead of doing a baby shower, we wanted to host a coed casual gathering of our friends BBQ, bonfire, horseshoes, perhaps a keg.... It will basically be a summer house party with our friends to celebrate our upcoming arrival. I'm drafting up the invites postcards with the details, and I'm not sure how to deal with the gift issue.

My mother is hosting a separate small well, smaller more traditional ladies only baby shower for family who are mostly from out of state, probably like 20 to 30 people, I have a big family... There are only a handful of guests who are going to both the baby shower and the house party mom, mominlaw, sisters, sisterinlaw.

My question is, I really truly don't want people coming to our house party to feel like they should bring gifts, especially since we're hosting and inviting a ton of people, it feels greedy. At the same time, I know some of our friends will really want to give us gifts, and I want them to be able to access our registry, espicially since we have sort of specific items cloth diapers, etc. and don't have a lot of space for things we won't use. I'm planning on saying something like "No gifts necessary," or "All you need to bring is yourself," on the invite, but I also want to make sure registry info is available to people who want it, and it feels weird including our registries after saying "no gifts." Should I just leave the registry information off the party invite and hope that people who want it will ask? Or is there a tactful way to include the info without making people feel obligated to buy something? Thanks!
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