3rd Trimester

This is our first....Please say it's easier with #2!

I'm 30 wks this week and I don't consider myself a wus by any means. I've ran marathons and grew up with 2 rough and tumble brothers, but let me tell you, this pregnancy is not the walk in the park that I was foolishly expecting! Ha! I just feel constant pressure up in my ribs, and whole torso area and I feel shortness of breath almost always. I haven't gained any weight other than my baby bump but I'm only 30 weeks and feel like I'm bursting at the seams! These symptoms with the 24/7 baby kicking is really really draining. Is this how it feels for everyone? And are all my pregnancies going to be the same way, or is it sort of like once you've stretched out from one kid the others won't be quite as painful?!?!
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