3rd Trimester

What's your progress?? (Dilation, effacement, station)

So I am 37 weeks today and had my appointment yesterday. I am 2cm dilated, 75% effaced and the baby is at 0 station. Last week I was 1cm, 60% effaced and the baby was at -1/0 station so I've made some progress.

My first daughter was born a month early so for this pregnancy I've been on progesterone injections every week since I was 16 weeks. I had my last injection at 36 weeks and am now considered full term! I'm wondering if I'll go into labor soon or not though since the last injection should be out of my system within the next 2 days.

What are you all measuring at and how far along are you? Did your doctors give you any indication of when they think you'll deliver.

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