3rd Trimester

Is your DH/partner/YOU a medical resident?

I am about to f-ing lose it with DH's schedule. I know it's not his fault he's so busy, I know he would rather be home, but I am about to lose my sh&! between his work schedule, my work schedule, DD, our to-do list, my already filthy house, and we're about to have a second baby. Money is so, so tight, so we can't get a maid or someone to help with the house, we have no family where we are (lots of good friends, but they all have kids/busy lives, too), and I'm serious, I have no control over my emotions. When I was pregnant with DD I do not remember having the serious mood swings I am having. Last night I cried for an hour because I can't do laundry (we live in a historic home, and I actually cannot FIT in the laundry room). Anyways, I am just venting, but if you can commiserate or offer advice, I would appreciate it. 
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