3rd Trimester

STMs: Hands-on labor pain class worth taking?

This is my 2nd pg - I had a c/s with DS since he was breech, but even so we did take the 6 week childbirth class (2 yrs ago).  I'm going to attempt a vbac this time & I'm wondering if it would be worth taking this hands-on labor pain class my hospital is offering for free.  I'll def. be getting an epidural, but I'm also worried about that since it could slow down the labor & they'll be monitoring me closely since it's a vbac...

For all of you STMs: did anyone take a similar class & did you find it helpful in managing your labor pain?  do they actually teach you anything helpful or would the nurse's assistance be enough?

I just don't want to waste my time with this class if it really won't be helpful - it's in the middle of the week which is a pain - we'd have to find a sitter for DS & it would be a rush getting to the class after work..

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