3rd Trimester

Dd's birth story - and some lessons learned!

Alexis marie was born  last Thursday at 8 lbs 10 oz - my big girl!  I had thought at my 39 wk appt that dr might have stripped my membranes by I felt really crampy after that appt.  turns out that he didn't but the internal exam did irritate me.  At 3 am woke up to contractions about every ten min apart- not to painful - could breath through them.  Went to hospital when they were 5 min apart (bc one hr drive) at 430 am.  They admitted me and started if right away - was at 3 cm, 50 effaced.  Started pitocin at about 9 am and got epidural at 10 am.  Pain was about a 6 out of ten.  Really not too bad!  After epi, all was good.  Watched a movie with dh and fell asleep.  Woke up around noon and starts pushing at 130 - dd born at 2 pm.  She is beautiful and already a huge part of our family of five.  


So lessons learned that might help someone:  don't forget your Chapstick!!  I split my lip bc the hosp is so dry and no one had any - sounds trivial but it really annoyed me.  Pack food for dh and yourself - and I mean real food like a sandwich.  I was starving after she was born but couldn't get food for almost three hours - I wish so bad I had planned ahead and brought something.  Wore hosp clothes except for my rising tanks - too much blood to even wear my own underwear.  Don't forget your hair dryer - stupid me thought that the hosp would have one like a hotel but nope - so my going home pics have me with some funky hair.  If you have other kids - I highly recommend buying gifts for them from the baby and also having a treat waiting at the hospital for them to eat while meeting new baby.  It takes the stress off of them.  We bought little toys and had big chocolate chip cookies waiting for dd and ds - and they were thrilled.  


Last thing- and this is big- trust yourself when it comes to your baby.  Dd was born very healthy but her breathing sounded like she had a cold to me and she was very irritated - cried a lot for the first 4 hrs.  The nurses brushed me off  saying "she's had a rough day...she passed all her tests...this is normal...babies cry". This isn't my first rodeo and it just felt off to me so I demanded to see the hospital pediatrician.  They checked her out and said she looks great on all the tests but you are right something is bothering her and her breathing is a bit noisy.  They took her to nicu for 4 hrs and put her under the lights and resuctioned her - when I got her back, breathing was great and she wasn't crying anymore - a whole new baby!  I know it was right to do but I def had to push for it - but if I didn't she might still be miserable - and who wants to start life that way?  


Best of luck to you all - sorry so long! 



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