Baby Showers

How do I politely tell this chick NO!

I have a childhood friend who is having her second child in two years. She and her boyfriend are throwing themselves another shower. She has been mentioning this all over fb, Instagram, and twitter. She has been hinting to my sister and that she would like us to go.

At this point I know for a fact she's only after a gift. She never came to my shower, although she went to my sisters to "see how we do a shower so she can copy". We never got a physical invitation but we were both tagged on each social media. She invited everyone on her friends list and said something like "anyone who knows us is invited, can't wait to see everyone".

For the most part I have just been ignoring her but its getting annoying to deal with almost everyday. How can I politely tell her NO!

I have tried the we are busy that day and her response was I'm sure you guys can come to at least eat and drop off your gift.
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