3rd Trimester

Really need advice...

Okay, so I have never been this pregnant before (38 weeks today).  Both of my lovely children were not small by their 37 week gestation- DS- 7lb 7oz, DD- 7lb 11oz. 

This time at 36 weeks 2 days I had an ultrasound where they were measuring this baby at 8lb 6oz (for comparison... same time period measurement of my DD said she was 8lb 8 oz... born two days later at 7lb 11oz).  They said they were concerned about size and wanted a repeat ultrasound at 38 weeks if I made it there.  So, yesterday at 37 weeks 6 days, I had one, and she is now measuring 9lb 14 oz... so a growth of 1.5 pounds in 1.5 weeks.  They are saying I should schedule a C-Section because of the risks associated with a large baby (earliest they will induce or cs is 39 weeks... so one week from today). 

I feel like there is no way those estimated fetal weights can be right.  Her head may be a little big (it was measuring 40 weeks) but her femur was measuring 43 (my husband is 6'4"... we have tall skinny kids).  I just cant imagine its right, and yesterday I got really emotional about it when I was at the doctor's office and they said I would need to get a c-section because if I tried, she might not fit(because of shoulders) and could end in an emergency c-sect anyway which is really dangerous and could lead to oxygen deprivation for the baby. 

This just feels wrong to me to not even try.  My daughter (7 11) was so easy, no tearing, no anything 15 minutes of pushing.  But how do I know what the right thing to do is?

And before I get flamed... I know that this is the internet, and you are not doctors, but you are moms or about to be moms, and I am just not sure what to do.

Updated to add, still don't know what to do, but feel like my doctor is using serious scare tactics... She said if I opt out of the C-Section they will note in my chart that I was going against dr. recommendations and I have been told of the risks and potential neurological and even fatal complications that could result.

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