3rd Trimester

Does this sound right?

so the last four days or so I had MAJOR constipation (sorry I know TMI), caused my belly to be hard and really pushed everything up farther than it was already (including baby)?.Sometime Sunday after lunch I began having pains in my ribs under my armpit that radiated around toward my shoulder blade?somehow I finally managed to get the pain to stop for a little bit and I basically just figured that something was pressing on a nerve?.

However yesterday morning I was so miserable about not being able to have a BM I called the doc?s office and she?I?d been drinking green tea as well as sipping on about ? of a cup of coffee?and I finally managed to have a BM, however the pain in my ribs ended up getting so bad that I couldn?t stand it, it even radiated down into my side?so I called my doctor?s office again (it?s been two hours and I still hadn?t heard back) and added to my message about the pain in my sides. I finally got a call back but the nurse had to talk to the doctor, so I waited for another hour and a half- with the pain getting worse?when my mom decided to take me to the ER. When I got there I got sent up to L&D because I?m pregnant?.ended up having to have a catheter inserted in order to get a urine sample?and all the while the pain just kept getting worse?it ended up making me sick to my stomach. They did an ultrasound of my kidneys (which looked fine) and my urine test came back fine?.so when the nurse was poking around at times it would actually feel a bit better with pressure, so she decided that it was probably a rib out of place. She told me to alternate between heat and ice and to go in and see a chiropractor. So my luck is that I can?t get into a chiropractor until tomorrow, although I did have a therapeutic ultrasound done which helped at first; nothing lasts for long though except warm baths but then I run the risk of falling asleep.

The pain is horrible?I haven?t been able to hold food down because I hurt so bad?.and at times it radiates all over my right side/back?.has anyone else had this? What?d you do? To relieve the pain (at least enough to eat/sleep)?

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