Attachment Parenting

Want to babywear...overwhelmed (long!)

I can't seem to find any solid answers through searches or old posts for my particular needs. If anyone would be kind enough to give me a rec on what to buy, I would really appreciate it.

Baby-I tend to have larger infants with good/early head control that grow fast.

Me- I am tall with broad shoulders, large chested.. I like being close to baby but I wouldn't like their face turned too close to the breast or particularly on the underside of it. It just scares me. (Correct me if I'm being dumb here, I'm just new at this) I also breastfeed and may need to do this while wearing baby. Back support/comfort is high on my priority list

Functionality- I need something that will work primarily for the infant stage, not terribly concerned about "long term" here. Although versatility is a plus. I also need something with support that will stand up to a little jostling and quick movements (I realize those aren't great but despite my best efforts it may happen occasionally) without worry of baby's security or head/neck safety. 

Ease of use- are quick on/offs necessary when chasing other children around? I would think so. If so I would consider that, I'm not opposed totally to a more time consuming wrap style though. I do want something that doesn't need frequent re-adjusting or has a slipping feeling.

wearable under an unzipped winter coat is a plus but not a deal breaker.


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