Third-Party Reproduction

Vitamin D and DE/DEmbryo implantation

I had an insane amount of blood work done back in April and I finally had the opportunity to talk to my RE about the results on Friday afternoon.

One result showed that I have a Vitamin D deficiency. My RE surprised me by saying that studies show strong evidence that Vitamin D deficiency can cause implantation issues for those using DE/DEmbryos. It seemed odd that she only mentioned this in the case of donor egg/embryo but I didn't think to prod further. She is prescribing Rx Vitamin D for 6-8 weeks then I'll be on a regular maintenance OTC dose after that.

She is the TPR director at my clinic and her specialty is donor issues so I trust her, but I thought this was interesting and had to share. If you haven't had your Vitamin D levels checked, it may be worth looking into with your RE. Every little bit helps, right? :)


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