Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Hyper Toddler!

Hey all,

I'm sure so many people say this, but my toddler boy is a maniac!  I don't say that negatively.  He is a blast.  He's crazy and fun.  But, like most mothers, I am paranoid about things like ADD and ADHD.  I want to make sure I am doing what I can to teach him things that prepare him for school, within reason.  I am a firm believer in encouraging boyhood, and then manhood.  I don't want to set expectations for him that are unrealistic.  I would like to hear from other moms who have already noticed if their boys are extra hyper and what they do to provide outlets for that.  What do you do to encourage sitting still times?  I want my son to be a respectful, obedient child, and he needs to learn that there is a time and place for everything.  Also, if you have had a child who turned out to be ADD/ADHD, when did you know?  What's your journey been like?  

 Only positive responses please :)  There seems to be way too many self righteous people on these things who like to use this as an opportunity to get on their high horses.  Your responses aren't welcome here.


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