Third-Party Reproduction

So I tested...

There was a second line on the test and I didn't even have to stand on my head to see it! LOL! Actually, I thought it was negative at first but then the second line slowly appeared. DH confirmed that the line was not in my head.

So, I'll take that news for today and hope for a positive confirmation on Beta Wednesday.

I think I forgot to update about the transfer (jcath, you reminded me!).   On transfer day, we were down to three embies from four.   We had one high quality embryo (which is the one that we transferred) and two are being watched.  We did not meet the 2 HQE guarantee.  I have to call tomorrow to find out how my remaining two fared and if they made it to freeze.  Both the doctor and the embryologist thought that I have a really good chance of success with the one we transferred...fingers crossed that they are right!  It's nice to have the guarantee to fall back on, but of course, I am hoping we won't need it.

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