Attachment Parenting

In-bed co-sleeping options

OK, so here's my situation:

Concrete house, no central heating, I seem to defy the laws of physics and am always cold no matter how warm my surrounding area is. I cannot function without a heated mattress pad and a duvet in the winter. House will drop to 5-10 degrees above the external temp in the winter, and we're at 7k feet in the Himalayas, which means 50F or lower in the winter.

We're expecting our first LO in November, and intend to room share, if not co-sleep. We're eyeballing a pack-n-play to serve as an in-room bassinet; however, we're also considering one of the "in bed" but separate units, like the Summer Infant one, or the one by TOMY. I know some people don't like them, but I will not be able to be warm without the duvet - and I don't want to accidentally risk the LO because I have the duvet up to my nose, which won't work for safety reasons. :)

We'll be heating the room with either an electric bar heater or blower heater (on a Mac so can't embed, but google and you'll find photos) and intend to bundle the LO up as best we can while we figure out temperature stuff. With this in mind, though - I'm curious what people would suggest as far as co-sleeping options in bed. People in an earlier thread didn't seem fond of the Snuggle Nest by whatever company it was; what other product(s) would you recommend? Avoiding some separate thing isn't a safe option for us - LO will be bundled up in the bassinet or in one of those in-bed-but-separate units. 

The joys of India. 

#1: BFP 24/7/12 - MMC confirmed 28/8, D&E 29/8 #2: BFP 12/2/13 - fingers crossed! BabyFruit Ticker
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