3rd Trimester

Baby Grant is HERE!

I went for a biophysical profile on Friday and they discovered that the preeclampsia had caused a drastic drop in amniotic fluid. So at 36 weeks 2 days, doc says its time to go! I was in a bit of shock! So at 6 pm we headed in for a csection...also not the plan...lol. At 6:44 pm baby Grant made his way into this world with four big cries and a ton of dark black hair. He is 5 lbs and 14 oz and 19 inches long. Unfortunately they discovered that he had a lot of amniotic fluid in his lungs that he was not able to get out due to being premature. So at 4 am Saturday morning they transferred him to the NICU about an hour from here. My husband went with him and has been an incredible daddy already. I get released today pending my BP is under control after 24 hours of magnesium sulfate and I can't wait to get my hands on him. I am head over heels in love and dying to hold my sweet baby.
Dx with PCOS in 2004; TTC #1 since 2006. 6 failed rounds of Clomid, 1 failed round of injectibles, innumerable failed cycles of herbs, accupuncture, etc. FINALLY got BFP on 10/4/2012 after 2 rounds of Femara Can't wait to be a mommy! Pregnancy Ticker
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