Parenting after 35

We are too quiet on this board; I'm going to spice it up!

Here are my confessions:

1.) I usually forget to brush my kid's teeth but I'm obsessed with my own dental health.

2.) As PT is looming for us I'm actively ignoring the 'signals' he's gving me because I really, really, really don't want to do it.

3.) Yesterday, I found him sucking on the top of the Clorox toilet bowl cleaner bottle.  I about died.  He later ate a mixture of dry and moist dog food. 

4.) Unless we are leaving the house for a specific purpose we are usually in our pajamas well past noon.

5.) Everyone warned me how freaking exhausting it is to have a toddler but I kind of judged the harried looking mothers until recently.  I am bone-weary in a way that I find hard to describe. 

6.) I love being a mommy so much that I have guilt all the time that I didn't start sooner so I could have more!

I'm it's your turn:) 


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