Attachment Parenting

Napping troubles

My lo is almost 8 weeks old and having some nap time issues. Up until the past week or week and a half, he was pretty good. He'd fall asleep at the breast and in the carrier and on my lap.. just about anywhere. Now, he's getting overtired and crying and fussing and I'm rocking, singing, begging him to sleep before he knocks out. 

He still sleeps pretty well at night. We bed share. I try to lay down and nap with him in the day time, neither of us sleeps. He's still doing okay in the baby carrier, but even that sometimes doesn't work. I try to put him to sleep before he gets too tired and he doesn't seem interested. Once he's tired/overtired he starts actively fighting sleep. Help! How do I get this kid to nap when he's tired?

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