
Headphone recs for 4 yr old & other plane related recs?

Taking my 2 almost 4 yr olds on a plane for the first time this summer... I know it sounds super easy b/c they're old enough to be excited, etc but we have put it off all this time because DS tends to get a bit overwhelmed & freaky in enclosed spaces w/ strangers (freaked on the thomas the train ride at age 2 once we got inside the train, storytime in the library room took at least 4 tries to get him to stay in the room the whole time, etc).  I am hoping that it'll go better than expected but expecting the worst nonetheless. Thankfully he loves ipad & TV so we will be bringing my ipad and the portable dvd player so they each have something to watch.

I need recs for headphones- do you do earbuds at this age or the foam over the head kind (I'd think those but not sure?).

Also recs for airport & plane travel in general other than snacks, bring some new toys/things to color, books, DVD/ipad... like what do you do if they're freaking out during takeoff & landing & you can't use electronics LOL! 

I'm sure I"m overthinking & it'll go fine, we'll start hyping it up a couple weeks before we leave...I wish airports had older planes that don't fly anymore that you could pay to go explore & look at w/ kids before a trip so they know what to expect!

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