Attachment Parenting

Stressed about bed sharing with new baby.

Hi Ladies,

    I have a question regarding sleeping with a toddler and a newborn and I would appreciate any feedback of stories any of you may have who have experienced this. I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and I have a soon to be 14 month old DD. I have slept with DD since she was born and we both love it. DD still nurses very frequently (basically all day and still a few times at night) I have no plans to wean her and hope to tandem nurse once my son is born. I would prefer to have both of my babies in bed with me, since they are both going to be nursing and even if they aren't I love the bonding. 

       My DD is a CRAZY sleeper, I usually wake up every day to find either her or myself half way off the bed. If I put her against the wall (mattress is on the floor) she rolls herself off the end of the bed. I don't feel totally safe putting a new born in bed with us, and I also don't want to kick my daughter out of bed. Has anyone had any experience with this? How were you able to ensure your newborns safety with a toddler in bed?


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