Babies: 3 - 6 Months

prenatal stress = unhappy baby?

For the last 4 months I've been trying to figure out why my beautiful little girl is so much more fussy, co-dependent and sleep deprived than all the other babies I've ever known.  Today I did some research on stress during pregnancy and think I may have found my answer.  Between harassment/discrimination at work, worrying over possible miscarriage then later high risk pregnancy, stress at home and my father passing when I was 33 weeks, I think I qualify for a stressed out pregnancy.  Studies have definitely linked prenatal stress to fussy babies. 

So my question for you guys is how did stress affect your babies temperament?  Were you VERY stressed (like me)?  Not at all?  I'm particularly interested in the extremes.  I.e. very stressed but had happy baby.  Not stressed at all but had fussy, sleepless baby.  Though all experiences are welcome.  Thanks in advance for sharing yours!

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