XP Pediatrician Issues?

This is a cross post from Special Needs. I mostly just lurk here, so I hope its ok that I ask. Has anyone else had any issues with a little one who is scared to death of their ped? The exams always end with her holding him down, or having me hold him down, while he cries and struggles to get free. I can tell that he is very frightened and he has sensory issues, which only exacerbate all of this. In the beginning, as a new mom, I guess I just thought that that's how it was done, but I don't know how comfortable I am with this technique anymore. We see lots of other pediatric professionals who examine him, and no one else has to hold him down and do it against his will. To complicate matters even further, our ped is my MILs best friend. I guess that's why I let it go on this long, but I am starting to be really uncomfortable with it. Should I switch, or is this pretty standard practice for pedis?
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