Baby Showers

Baby Shower From Afar ?

Hey Ladies,

So I have a bit of a problem when it comes to the baby shower, I am a FTM and Due at the end of November so I know this is early to start worrying but as you'll see I need to start planning.  I currently live WAY up in northern alberta far away from all of my family which are located in Southern Ontario, since this is my first baby my mother and mother in law definately would like to have a shower for me and I would like to have one as well, it would be a great time to see my family again before the baby is born and of course it helps with getting things ready for the baby.  The problem is clearly the shower would have to be back in Ontario as all my family can not come to Alberta for just me, now how do you even begin to register for the shower.. I know people will want to buy me gifts but getting them shipped to Alberta would cost a fortune but it also seems silly to just ask for gift cards for a baby shower as well.  Just wondering if anyone else has run into this problem before or know of someone who has and how they dealt with it, also certain stores do ship up here like sears, and but I'm not sure if Babies R US does or not.  Slightly stressing any advice would be great, thanks ladies.

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