Baby Showers

How to deal with requests for invitations

I am due in June, and have a baby shower coming up.  I have two uncles who very recently went through nasty divorces.  Both of their ex-wives handled their divorces tastelessly, frequently ranting and raving on Facebook about how much they hate my uncles, and saying terrible things about them.  In the early stages of the divorces, I had expressed to both of my ex-aunts that I was sorry to hear of the separations, and that I hoped we would always stay close.  Needless to say, now that they have acted so horribly to my uncles, my feelings have changed.  So my problem is this: Both ladies have written to me repeatedly, telling me they would love to receive invitations to my baby shower.  I do not wish to have any relationship with either of them anymore, let alone have them at my baby shower, where they would undoubtedly take the opportunity to tell anyone who will listen what awful men they think my uncles are.  It would be a very awkward situation, and I am sure they are aware of that fact.  I have no idea why they would even want to come.  Regardless, they are very persistent in asking.  So far, I have been ignoring their messages, because I don't think there's a polite way to tell them the truth.  Of course, it's not polite for me to ignore them, either.  What would you do?
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