Third-Party Reproduction


Hello! I've posted on this board before but have never intro'd myself, although I know many of you from other boards. My details are in my siggy, but the short of it is I have stage 4 endometriosis and thanks to a laparotomy am also considered DOR. DH and I did 1 IVF last year, my embies just weren't that great and decided not to stick around for the long haul. After much consideration DH and I have decided to pursue donor embryos. Our clinic has a DEmbryo program and we are at the top of the list (probably the only ones on the list lol) but it's been 2 weeks already and I am getting impatient!! I also started talking to a clinic in NV about their program since they have waiting embryos and am waiting for them to email me their pricing details. The base price is listed on their site but it doesn't include all the extra things that you have to get done. I am sooooo ready to for this to happen already!!!
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