Baby Showers

Weird shower delimma? - kinda long

My aunts and close 1st cousins typically throw wedding and baby showers for each of us in our immediate family when the time calls for one. Well my cousin is getting married 4 days before our due date so it puts our showers in a close time frame.  We all talked at Easter about my cousins wedding shower and planning took off right away; a place was booked, time and date set, and invitations have been ordered.  However, at Easter one of my aunts mentioned that she wanted to "help" (her exact wording) with a baby shower for me.  I replied, "That would be great, thanks!" but, I haven't heard anything about it since.  But on 2 separate recent occasions this same aunt has asked if I know the date of my shower yet.  To which I reply, "No I haven't heard anything about it." 

I'm really confused...isn't the host supposed to select the date?  I feel like her asking me the date is her way of saying that she doesn't want to host; which is fine as she has alot to do with her daughter (my cousin) getting married soon.  I just feel like it's weird that she keeps asking me the date?  I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to select the date myself, obviously I'm not the host.  All of this is making my mom kind of nervous that I won't get a shower so now she's saying that she wants to just host one herself.  But then I'm like can the grandmother-to-be host a shower or is that tacky? 

Ugh, I'm so confused.  Any thoughts?  How would you interpret this?

I'll keep checking back but we're leaving to go out of town soon so I don't want it to seem like I'm posting and running.  Thanks!

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