3rd Trimester

Anyone referred to cardiologist for tachycardia?

So, otherwise my pregnancy has been healthy and baby is growing right on schedule. All labs have been negative, passed glucose test, and I'm gaining weight appropriately. Blood pressures have been normal.

I've been having these "episodes" (for lack of a better word) where I get a weird/anxious feeling and my heart starts to pound. I get short of breath and have to sit down or change position when this happens. My heart rate goes up in the 130's-140's when it's happening. Sometimes it only lasts for about 30 seconds or less, and sometimes it can last for several minutes. This has never happened to me outside of pregnancy. Of course, it never happens at the Drs office but when I mentioned it to him he wanted some lab work first (all negative) and said he would refer me to cardiologist. Most likely I'll get a halter/event monitor to wear.

So, I'm going on Tuesday to be seen. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this? I'm not terribly worried, I trust my OB and he's not overly concerned but wants to cover all his bases....just curious if it's happened to anyone else.

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