Babies: 6 - 9 Months

LO loves food

Is my LO the only one that loves food?  She eats 5-oz bottles every 3-4 hours (total of 5/day), she has fruit in the am, oatmeal at daycare, and veggies in the Pm.  When it is not the to eat and she sees bottles (at home or daycare) she FLIPS OUT.  I mean yells and throws a fit.  I don't know what to could be 10 min after she eats and she will still flp out.  We have tried giving her more food but she doesn't get full (or doesn't appear to know when she is full).  Does anyone else's LO act this way?  Do they outgrow it?  It has gotten to the lint where we can't walk by the bottles without her getting mad.
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