Does she cry too much?


So my baby was born 10 days ago (haven't updated my ticker yet, this is the first time I've been on!) and I'm still adjusting to being a new mom. I'm concerned constantly that I'm doing it wrong and that I'm not very good at this. One thing that I'm really struggling with is her crying. I don't want her to cry, and I try to respond to her needs immediately, but it can be really difficult. For instance, she'll start crying to be fed while I'm in the bathroom, or in the middle of changing her diaper. And since we've been struggling with breastfeeding, I have to unlatch her to try again pretty frequently, and she gets impatient and frustrated very easily and will cry while she's right there and I'm trying to feed her. Or when I have to interrupt her eating to burp her. I feel like she cries too often and she isn't learning to trust, and I'm terrified that she is feeling like nobody is coming or nobody cares. 

I also don't feel like she's particularly cuddly. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, but she seems pretty satisfied on her tummy or propped up in the breastfeeding pillow. She also loves car rides, and will stay in the car seat forever, perfectly happy, if we leave her in there. My mom (who is here helping us out) keeps saying that she wants to eat all the time to be soothed/cuddled, but if that were the case, wouldn't me (or someone) just holding her be enough? I have a Baby K'tan wrap but I haven't really had the time to figure out how it works and use it to wear her yet, and my mom has put this crazy fear in me that the baby will be too cold and get sick if she isn't bundled up in clothes and blankets at all times, so I haven't really been doing skin-to-skin with her as much as I'd like. 

Spouse keeps telling me that its ok and babies just cry to communicate, but i know crying is a late sign of hunger so i really feel like i'm doing it wrong. Sometimes she makes what i think are hunger signals but it ends up being something else (like she needs to burp or poop). maybe i'm just being silly but this is all really important to me and i could use some encouragement and support/advice.

sorry for the bad grammar/spelling- typing with one hand!

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