
MIL has cancer

We've just recently found out that MIL has cancer.  It's non-hodchkins lymphoma, stage 4. she's going to have to start chemo and radiation sometime in the next week or two, but that's all we know so far. I think she has an appointment with the oncologist next week, so hopefully we'll know more then.

At this point I have no clue how to handle things with DD1.  I think she's aware that something is going on with DH - he's been very quiet and moody, somewhat withdrawn. We're going to visit MIL and FIL this weekend, and I just know everyone is going to be very emotional. So it's going to be even more obvious to her.

Do I just say Grandma isn't feeling well, and leave it at that?  I don't want her to overhear anything , but I also don't want to scare her.

Any advice? I really have no clue what to say or do.    

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