Baby Showers

worlds worst baby shower experience

I was thinking about this today and thought I would share.

Several years ago, my 16 year old cousin became pregnant. She lived at home and I'm fairly certain she got pregnant because all of her friends did at the same time...She is spoiled and very accustomed to getting everything she wants. She's pretty ghetto too. My aunt and uncle were shocked... disappointed... and then thrilled, as they had always wanted a big family but were unable to have one. They don't help the situation. Her Baby Daddy is an ex-con who has several girlfriends and at least 3 other babies at this point. She is one of these "i don't think its fair to ask him to pay child support when my parents can pay to raise the baby."

So we get invited to the shower.

I know in the back of my mind, she is going to return all of the gifts, so I opt to go for a very pretty moses basket of baby things: diapers, blankets, toiletries... all wrapped up with tags cut off. I did this because i am aware my aunt will have to buy the baby all of these things as my cousin will return them  for cash. Other family members think I am being a little snarky, but it is a lovely gift. 

So shower happened... Both parents were there, but BD spent entire time outside in his car until gifts were opened. He came in for those and then started hauling them out to the cars to pack up... No 'thank yous' or recognition of any sort. 

Fast forward to 3 days after the shower. I get a call from my cousin. She has run out of gas and has no money for fuel and is stuck at Buybuybaby with baby daddy. She left her house, 30 miles away with no gas or money. I asked her why she left without having any money and she said she counted on baby store giving her cash for the gifts she returned. She and BD had planned on going to movies and taking some friends out that evening and now she was stuck without even gas money.  

 I gave her 5$ and sent a whole lot of 'i told you so's ' to my family who thought i was being snarkey.  


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