
Just getting started!

Hi ladies, I've lurked here a bit & haven't seen answers to these questions...I hope you can help!

My husband & I have always talked about adopting, but seriously started looking into it recently. There's so much info and sources out there that it's easy to get overwhelmed.

For one, we're in our late twenties, and as far as we know, we're perfectly capable of adding to our family via another pregnancy. When people being asking about when we'll add to our family, we let them know not anytime soon, but that our next blessing will be by adoption. And it seems like people don't get why we would choose to adopt vs have more bio children. We both don't place anymore value on one over the other. We see adding children to our family either way as a huge blessing, and something that we are meant to do :) But when I hear of women who can't get pregnant I begin to feel greedy. Like we're taking away options from families who don't have that option. My husband assures me that there are more than enough babies, and they need more people willing to love them. Maybe it's just me over thinking things. Are these thoughts normal...well maybe not normal, but valid? Are there any moms in here that had a bio child & decided to grow their family through adoption the second time around? I'd love to hear from you!

We are a mixed race couple, and have a 13month old son. Race didn't even cross our minds adoption wise until we started visiting agency websites & noticed that some minority adoptions were cheaper than caucasian adoptions. It kind of rubbed me the wrong way! Is this normal? I get that some people feel that they may be raised better when surrounded by people with a similar background, but is it really that important? Most of those agencies also stated that they had more mixed race/minority children for placement, meaning the process might be quicker. So it really made us step back and assess the best way to go about this. Would it be better to adopt a child that is african american, hispanic, or a mix of the two? I hope this makes sense!


Thanks in advance :)



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