3rd Trimester

Am I the only person that is NOT in a rush?!

Today is also my due date, but here I am at work with no signs on oncoming labor.  I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced.  I am still comfortable, so I?m really in no rush to get this precious girl out of me.  It seems as though every forum I read women are in such a rush to get their baby out of them.  All of the co-workers also seem to want MY baby out of me?they are driving me NUTS!!  She will come out when she is good and ready.  My midwives will see me at 41 weeks and do a non-stress test and Ultra Sound.  If everything still looks good, they will let me go up to 42 weeks?and I am honestly totally fine with that.  Just have patience ladies?your baby knows when they are ready to face the world.  Regardless, I will get to meet my baby girl VERY SOON and that is the most exciting thought in the world right now!

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