Baby Showers

Advice needed

My mother and mil are putting on a shower for me and I have had nothing but drama with mil but anyways, she mentioned to dh about having an education fund available at the shower that people can put in money if they want. Now I know the friends that I invited and my family and not in a financially great position and I think putting this out there they will feel like we just want more money. I am not sure if they are planning to mention it in the invite also as I dont get told anything. It also just seems wierd to me as baby wont be here and I would feel a bit better for me and dh to do that when baby is here.

This is also our first and we have hand me down clothes but do need baby items. I havent told DH how I felt about this idea yet as he already said I will hate it because it was his mothers idea. TIA!

BFP#1Apr.11-M/C BFP#2Aug.11-M/C BFP#3Oct.30-M/C HSG done-Looks good! SA done- awaiting results... BFP#4Dec.13-sticky baby sticky! BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary
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