Attachment Parenting

How to get away from laying with 2 year old to fall asleep

My son in 27 months and up until he turned 2, we nursed to sleep every night. I weaned him at 2, and now I lay with him in his own bed until he falls asleep, and sneak out. Sometimes it can take up to an hour or more for him to fall asleep, and I dread it. I am also due with #2 in 2 months, and don't really see this working out much longer. He is extremely smart, vocal, and understands just about everything I say to him. What I'm thinking is that I will continue the same routine, except when he gets tired, explain to him that he will stay in bed and close his eyes, and I will be right outside the room... I know he wont like it, but he has surprised me in the past, so you never know. Has anyone attempted this with a child this age, and how did it go? Or any other suggestions? 
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