Baby Showers

I'm sorry, I just had to

Baby shower invites that I've gotten in the last 2 weeks:

Shower #1 for a person with two kids already, that belongs to a community group geared towards low income families...this email was sent to all the staff at the organization:

"I was recently approached by community member [name], if I would please send an invite to all of you for her upcoming baby shower. It will be this Sunday at [organization], potluck style, and will be from 1pm-3pm. She is having a girl and hopes to see you there!"

Shower #2 is for good friends of ours, first time moms:

"We would like to invite you to a potluck brunch to celebrate [the baby & family].

[They] have been very lucky to have been gifted many items for baby already and do not need much "baby stuff" at this time. If you would like to give a gift they are always building their baby book library! Additionally, they are registered at [diaper service company], or would appreciate gift certificates to [higher-end grocery stores]."

First one I'm obviously not going, I barely know this person. Second one I'm conflicted by...but the potluck aspect is putting me strongly in the NO camp. Plus we have a bunch of stuff we'd already gotted for them, so they are getting "baby stuff" from us, not gift cards.


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