3rd Trimester

Question from the 1st Trimester .

Background story

My last period was March 1, 2013 it lasted the usual 7 days. My menstrual cycles are 31 days long.

When I didn't get my period April 1, 2013, I took a 4 HPT and they were all negative. I waited 2 weeks to go to the doctors and they ordered some blood work. Negative for pregnancy and Thyroids. They did an ultrasound April 12th and found a very small cyst. The doctors told me if I didn't get my period by my next expected period to call my OBGYN.

I called my OBGYN May 7th. They asked me to come in and take some blood work and another HPT. I did and both test came out positive. Of course I was excited!!!

A few days later I had my intake appointment. They asked my LMP date and I told them March 1 but to not base my EDD base on my LMP because of the cyst I had. They told me its office procedure and that I need to come in and have another ultrasound to check the cyst and to look at the baby since according to my LMP I am about 10 weeks pregnant.

Well yesterday I went to the ultrasound appointment and they found NOTHING in my uterus. No sac. No yolk. NOTHING. They looked around to see if my the baby had implanted anywhere outside the uterus and nothing. If anything my cyst is gone.

They asked if I have been cramping or bleeding. I told them no. My only symptoms have been breast tenderness, nausea, exhaustion, butt cramps and some round ligament pains at night.

So finally they tell me I might only be 35 weeks pregnant and that stage and pregnancy an ultrasound might not pick up an image. They also ordered more bloodwork to see my hCG levels.
While I am waiting to get the bloodwork done the receptionist tells me "At least you already have a baby. Sometimes false positive test happen".

Of course now I'm upset and worried. I keep thinking what in the world is happening with my body!? Am I pregnant? If I am not pregnant, why the positive pregnancy test and all the symptoms for the past 2 weeks. I have been pregnant before and I have the exact same symptoms I had with my DS pregnancy.

Has anyone experienced something similar? If so what was outcome?
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