3rd Trimester

Another family visiting thread

I'm a FTM and this will be my parents' first grandchild.  My parents live an hour and a half away and my in laws live 4 hours away.  Because of the distance difference, in laws come stay with us for entire weekends sometimes and my parents usually just come over for the day when they visit. 

I have already told all of them that they are welcome at the hospital and to stay with us after the baby is born.  I know MIL will be helpful (she will cook, clean and just took care of her other grandkids who are 6 months so she's up to date on current baby stuff).  I will be happy to have my mom there too.  Oh and my parents and the in laws get along great!  The only thing I'm wondering about is if I will feel overwhelmed having an extra 4 people at my house and also if it will be really awkward having FIL around.  My own dad I don't really care if he sees my boobs (he will probably be more embarrassed about it than I will) but FIL it is definitely going to be awkward.  

I talked to DH about it and said I didn't want to have to go to our bedroom any time I'm trying to breastfeed or something and he said he would shoo his dad out of the room and that probably his dad would only stay a few days anyway due to having to get back to work (MIL can work from anywhere and my mom doesn't work). 

Does this sound like it will work out or is it going to be a zoo at my house?  I really want my parents to feel included and so that's why I wanted them to come stay with us, but now I kind of wish there was someone else's house they could all stay at and just come see us.  Unfortunately there isn't, all my other family close by doesn't have the extra space. 

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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TTC #1 Since April 2011
BFP #1: 5/12/11, EDD 1/13/12, missed M/C confirmed 6/15/11. We miss you Elijah.

LAP/hysteroscopy 8/28/12 to remove uterine septum and stage 3 endo
10/2/12 Medicated Cycle #1: Femara + Ovidrel + TI = BFP!!!
BFP#2: 10/25/12, EDD 7/9/13 ? It's a girl!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28
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