Baby Showers

Something Different_Mother's Day Gift

Forgive me as this is quite a bit off topic. I just wanted to get some opinions from the ladies that frequent this board... I sent my Step-Mom an "Edible Arrangement" for Mother's Day/Birthday. (Her birthday was Sat and, obviously, Mother's Day was Sun). I coordinated with my Dad because it was the weekend and I they were running around quite a bit. He instructed me to have the arrangement delivered to the backdoor. Later, when they were both home he asked her if anything had been delivered for her. He then went to the back, got the arrangement, and said something like, 'this came for you'. Well, she assumed it was from him and put it in the refrigerator. (She was already super mad at him because he came home late and they missed their dinner reservation for her 60th Birthday). Because she thought it was from him, she never opened it and had no idea it was from me. The next day, I called to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. I asked if she received our gift and she had no idea what I was talking about. I let her know the arrangement was from me and she told me the story from above. Well, here's the part that really has got me pissed... when she got home from Mother's Day brunch, my dad had ripped into her fruit arrangement and ate over 1/3 of it! She hadn't even read the card yet! I am super pissed and want to unleash on my father, but wanted to get some opinions here before I do. Thanks.
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