
complete NEWB to adoption

Good afternoon, everyone!

 I am a complete newbie to adoption.  I pretty much know NOTHING about it, and I'm hoping to change that.  H and I have been married almost 2 years.  I am 26 (27 in Aug) and H is 25 (26 in Sept).  we both work full-time jobs, have degrees, own our own little house.  we've talked about starting a family once we pay off the rest of our student loans.  we expect to pay those off in the next 2 years or less.

 I have a few health issues that bring up concerns regarding pregnancy and labor.  I am very small, and the way my uterus is shaped and tilted, my GYN has expressed worries that I may not be able to carry full-term or avoid miscarriages.  also, I suffer from moderate PMDD; post-partum hormonal changes could prove to be disastrous to me.  finally, I have severe anxiety about pregnancy and labor... at least for now.  I know those things could change, and that I might end up having a healthy pregnancy and labor.

 however, adoption has always been on the table.  the organization that we are looking at using for adoption in the hypothetical future encourages (but does not mandate) that we sponsor a child through them before adoption.  the child we are going to start sponsoring is currently not adoptable.  however, we want to start sponsoring now to go ahead and build up a relationship with the organization and with the little girl.  

I know that my family, and probably H's, will give us a really hard time if we decide to adopt instead of pop out our first child.  but I really feel like this is the right thing for US.  H is totally on board; he would like to have a biological child one day, but is leaving the decision up to me, since I would be the one carrying and birthing the baby, and I'm the one with health risks/anxiety.

any advice for a newb?  like I said, this is totally hypothetical.  I hope I didn't say anything to cause offense!  I would love to hear some stories, thoughts, or advice from ladies (and men!) who have been there or are currently going through the adoption process. 

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