3rd Trimester

Taking the 3-hour glucose test twice??

Hi, all!

 This is half me venting and half wanting to hear other experiences.

A while back, I took the 1-hour GD test and failed so my doctor ordered the 3-hour test. I took that and passed. It was excruciating, by the way!

We recently had to have another ultrasound at 32 weeks (I'm 34 now) and everything looked great, except there was an excess of amniotic fluid. My doctor said this is normally the result of a defect or GD, but the baby looked perfect.

They tested my blood sugar at the ultrasound and it was normal. However, the doctor who did the ultrasound is ordering another 3-hour glucose test!!

I just found this out today, 2 weeks after the ultrasound, so I guess it's not that imperative that it be done soon. My doctor did not find sugar in my urine at today's prenatal either.

I know it could be worse and I shouldn't be griping, but I'm upset I have to do this awful test again! Does anyone have any experience with something like this or words of comfort (or you can just tell me to quit whining too, I guess)?

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