3rd Trimester

Slowly going crazy...

I had both of my other beautiful children at 37 weeks (DS- 37 w 2 days, DD- 37 w 1 day).  I am 37 w exactly today, and after a 36 week growth ultrasound where she is measuring 39 w 4 days last week, and the doctor talking about we want this to happen as fast as possible... I am getting so anxious!  The Hospital wont let them induce until 39 weeks (at which point my doctor is concerned she will be too big for a vaginal birth!)...

Anyone have any ideas for legit ways to help make some progress?  (I was 2-3cm at 36 w 2 days).  I know as a mom of 2 I should know this, but I don't my water broke both times previously and I had to be induced.

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