Blended Families

I'm worried about having DH's son visit...

DH has two children from a previous marriage (older, 18 and 16), and they live with their mother in a different state. They are both supposed to come up for a visit in two weeks. His daughter has always been on the straight-and-narrow. She has good grades, a job, respectful, etc. However, his son has been in a lot of trouble lately. He has been in a juvenile detention center four times already for various things - vandelism, stealing. Now, he is in there again because he "allegedly" assaulted a police officer at his school. He is in this detention center until his court date next week. Apparently, he was in a meeting with the school principal (a return from suspention meeting - he had been in a fight at school), and when they told him he had to return to class, he got angry and walked away. The school police officer grabbed his arm, and DH's son got mouthy with him and a "fight" ensued. Someone claims that DH's son tried to grab for the police officer's gun, even. There are many versions of the story. My DH keeps saying that he "doesn't believe the story" and "there's no way he did what they are saying." He also says that his son needs to get some respect and straighten up. Honestly, I think his son has absolutely no discipline because both parents have turned a blind eye to him his whole life. Case in point. My DH also says that he doesn't believe his son will be given any further harsh consequences besides the time he has already served in the juvenile detention center, and that he thinks all the time he is sitting in there "will be good for him." I have a young child myself, and I really don't want this kid to be staying in the same house with us when he visits. I know that sounds harsh, as a SM, but I don't feel safe! He obviously has issues that he needs to deal with/needs help with, and I'm very concerned about having him in our home for a lengthy visit (they are supposed to be here a month). What if he gets in trouble here? How will we handle police/arrests/court here? It's just too much.
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