
RP: Potty Training and Diapers: both are a fail at this point

I also posted this on the toddler 24+ board:

My LO is 2 years 8 months.  She kicks and screams and violently resists getting her diaper changed.  She does the same thing when I suggest using the potty.  She's used it and knows how, but refuses.  I went through a week of forcing her to try the potty and she turned into a raging you-know-what.  

I'm reading books on potty training. She comes in the bathroom with me every time I use it and knows how everything works. I know she's ready, and her doctor even said that she's more than ready.  The only suggestion the doctor had was to have play dates with kids who are her age and potty trained.  Two problems--I rarely have time for play dates, and I seriously do not know anyone with 2-3-year-old potty trained kids.  

I know she is an impulsive and spirited child, but why must she resist everything?   This summer she's just running around naked, I swear.  I can't handle much more.   

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