Baby Showers

Invite to both showers?

Hi there,

I am new to these parts, but have been getting some conflicting "advice" on what is considered okay on my question. 

My husband's very good friend, and his wife, took us out for dinner and asked us if they could host us a co-ed bbq type shower. I did not expect this at all. While we do hang out with them often- I just never thought they would offer such an awesome gift. So sweet!! We of course excepted. =) I do already have a more "formal" shower being given to me by my cousin and 2 best friends.

I decided that I could maybe split the guest lists up? Invite friends to the co-ed shower and keep my other shower just family? I thought that might also help with some costs as far as food goes (I was not given a head count limit by any of the hostess's, but I've done the hosting gig before and know it can get pricey).

 SO what is my question?  Both of my best friends and cousin are married. My husband and I are very close with them and spend a good deal of time with them. Is it tacky or a no no to invite them to the co-ed shower? I would NEVER expect gifts from them or anything like that. I just love the idea of all of our friends, both mine and my husbands, being able to get together and celebrate.

Sorry if this was too long. I appreciate your time and thoughts. 


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