Third-Party Reproduction


Hello ladies, how's it going? I am a active poster on IF and IFV and have been for quite a while now. My history is in my siggy but in a nut shell Im annovulatory and have a craptastic uterus that won't build a lining. We are taking a break for the summer and when we get back to treatments after a August vacation we will be using a surrogate. A family member on DH side has volunteered and I'm taking her up on her offer. I plan on meeting with her either this week or the next to let her know I would like to go forward with her being our surrogate and give her time to discuss with her DH. We have two frosties left that I pray will finally give us our baby. DH is not comfortable with using a surrogate and doesn't understand how one carries and births a child and then walks away or doesn't want some kind of visitation with the child. He is willing to put his uneasy feelings aside to give us a chance at a child. He is being very understanding and I love him more for it. I'm very thankful to have him. I hope my talk with her goes well next week. Are there any ladies here in a similar situation as me? Well thanks for reading ladies, I look forward to getting to know you. 
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