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WTF appointment today

We just had our post-BFN appointment with the RE.  She was very kind and honest that she was disappointed in the number of mature eggs we got from the donor.  We have 2 frozen embryos waiting - both 4BB.  We could do FET for my next cycle; however, she would prefer that I bring down my BMI.  While I am within the clinic's "acceptable" range - "we want to do everything possible to improve the chances."  This is a hard message to hear but DH is being very supportive & we are going to do it!  She also said they would "scholarship" our FET since the donor results were so poor.  That was great news!

So hopefully we will start the FET cycle in Aug/Sept after I lose a bunch of weight.  Wish me luck!!  I am SO NERVOUS - I have always struggled with weight.

Me:36 (Diminished Ovarian Reserve 0.56), DH: 38 (Normal) TTC #1 since Fall 2010 7 rounds of Clomid = BFN IUI #1 Nov 2011 (Letrozole) - BFN IUI #2 Jan 2012 (Clomid) - BFN March 2012 IVF (Micro Lupron + Menopur + Gonal F) 4ER,2F, 2 transferred - 2ww is the worst Hope is the thing with feathers - that perches in the soul - and sings the tune without the words - and never stops - at all - (Emily Dickinson)
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